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Upcoming Games!!!
September 23, 2009
10:38 pm

Is there a way to make the Upcoming Games table list only the master teams. I am using this in a football league where each team has a flag, sophomore, junior, and senior team so each master team has 4 teams. But I only need the Master team to show on upcoming schedule because all 4 teams play the same team at the same location. Is that something that can be adjusted pretty easily in standings.php?

September 24, 2009
12:40 am

Also, is there a way to keep the past games from showing on the web. All I want is the standings columns and the upcoming games columns.

September 24, 2009
1:22 am
Forum Posts: 841

1. Easy if you know MySQL, but potentially confusing if you don't. In the query at around line 267, add "masterteamname" to the list of fields, add "sportsdb_masterteams" to the list of FROM tables, then add "AND sportsdb_masterteams.masterteamid = sportsdb_teams.teamid" to the WHERE clause. Repeat wherever you need to fetch a team. Then you can display the master team name in a similar way to how the team name is shown.

2. You can simply remove the portion in standings.php from "Past Scores" to "Upcoming Games" :)

September 24, 2009
11:50 pm

Thanks, I was able to remove the Past Scores but I have to work on the teams part. Don't really know SQL yet, but I will in about a week. (I'm in for some long nights and Dr. Peppers)