You'll have to edit the plugin file (Plugins > Plugin Editor > Peter's Date Countdown). Do a search for "countdown_clock" (it should appear twice) and then replace some code above and below the two occurrences. Find this piece of code: // show the JavaScript countdown else { print "\n"; if (!empty($pdc_message)) { print "


\n"; } while ($i < $howmanydates) { print "

\n"; And add the alignment and open the font tag on the last line: print "

\n"; Then, close the font tag when the

tag is also closed later a bit further down. Replace: print "

\n"; ++$i; } With: print "

\n"; ++$i; } This same code pattern appears again a bit earlier: print "

\n"; $link = $importantdate[$i][7]; // show link if there is one if ($link <> "") { print ""; } (add the font and centering stuff to that first line) And then further down, close the font tag on the last line: // close link if there is one if ($link <> "") { print ""; } print "

\n"; Also, I noticed that the real-time countdown doesn't work in your header but does for your footer. To fix this behaviour, make two duplicate events, then call countdown_callit(1); in the header and countdown_callit(2); in the footer.