
Register to be a BC organ donor online

First published on September 12, 2010

You can become a living organ donor, but if that’s not for you, you can also choose to allow your organs to be donated after death. Hopefully you will live a long and healthy life, but when you die, your organs could still be of use for others.

In less than 5 minutes now, you can register at for BC’s Organ Donor Registry. The registration process is quick and easy.

BC Transplant Registration Form

When you register, you can choose to not allow certain organs to be donated, or to only allow them to contribute to research or only to be used for transplants.

You don’t have to worry something like: “What if they don’t keep me alive because they find out I’m an organ donor?” — the registry is only checked after you are declared dead.


One Response to “Register to be a BC organ donor online”

  1. freshgreen says:

    i see ur mood has changed :) even though ur nuts, u still make good sense!

    joyeux decembre!

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