
How about v.1.0.4 with WP 2.6? | Peter's Random Anti-Spam for WordPress | Forum

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How about v.1.0.4 with WP 2.6?
July 29, 2008
4:26 pm
Tim Weber

I've been faithfully upgrading both WP and your great antispam plugins. None of them seem to work now (the page keeps cranking, but no image appears). Is it just me?

July 29, 2008
4:54 pm
Forum Posts: 841

Hi, do you either host wp-config.php or the wp-content folder in a place other than the default location? WordPress 2.6 was the first version to allow tweaks to those file/folder locations, and is the only feature that would affect the plugin (I'll have to release an updated version that addresses those scenarios).

Otherwise, though, I can only speculate that this is a file permissions issue, or some setting that wasn't carried over during the upgrade. Do you get any error message if you try to display only the image? (Right-click the broken image file and click something like "View image").

July 30, 2008
9:57 am
Tim Weber

Peter: wp-config.php and the wp-content folder are in the default locations. According to the management page, everything Random Anti-Spam needs to run is available to it.

Basically the image isn't being generated--the alt text is visible and the browser activity icon shows the page doesn't complete loading.

July 31, 2008
1:40 pm
Forum Posts: 841

I don't really know what else to suggest without either an error message or a link to your site. Did you also make any server changes when you upgraded?

July 31, 2008
6:57 pm
Tim Weber

Nope, I made no server changes. Just upgraded WP to 2.6.

There's no error message to give you. The image doesn't get created, that's all. If you click the image placeholder, you hear the audio version. But the browser just keeps trying to render the page.

FWIW, I have another captcha plugin running now (MyCaptcha). But it's not as elegant as yours. ;-)

Thanks for thinking about this. If it's just me, c'est la vie.

July 31, 2008
7:03 pm
Forum Posts: 841

I'm happy to hear that you found a different working solution. Sorry I couldn't help.