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Player Scores
June 8, 2009
9:50 pm

Hi Peter,
I am looking for a program that handles multiple sports which sometimes requires individual players scores.
Your program is great for team sports like baseball and soccer but have you had a thought for teams who play games as individuals. IE.
4 teams of 4 golfers play a pennant series. In the case of a draw in the wins and losses of one days play I'd like to use the players actual scores to calculate the result.
If you have thought about this addition I am quite happy to write a spec for it and perhaps do some coding.

June 9, 2009
2:34 am
Forum Posts: 841

If you can spec it out a bit that would help. However, I'm been kept too busy with other projects for at least the past year and have only been releasing small maintenance updates or small feature additions in a very infrequent manner. Unfortunately this script has taken a very low priority and will probably continue to be there for at least the near future.

You are certainly free to extend my code and even redistribute it as long as you note where it came from.