
British Columbia prescription drug price comparison tool

First published on December 19, 2012

Pacific Blue Cross, a health insurance company, has released an online tool called the Pharmacy Compass:

Pacific Blue Cross Pharmacy Compass

The Pharmacy Compass is a price comparison tool for prescription drugs in British Columbia. Basically, you type in the drug name and your location, and it returns you a list of pharmacies and the corresponding price per pill, dispensing fee, and generic or brand name equivalent price. It is straightforward and easy to use, with a clean interface, auto-completion on fields, and a map view.

It makes business sense for Pacific Blue Cross to offer such a tool, since the less their customers have to pay for drugs, the less Pacific Blue Cross has to pay! And of course they have access to all of this price data through all the reimbursement claims submitted to them.


3 Responses to “British Columbia prescription drug price comparison tool”

  1. Edward Amey says:

    This feature does not work, I enter the drug and location and nothing happens, no next step appears
    I used to use this web page with good results
    "British Columbia prescription drug price comparison tool"

  2. Peter Scott says:

    This site is useless.

  3. Jacob Frank says:

    Of course the site is useless, it’s Pacific Blue Cross!

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