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Adding questions
July 23, 2011
11:55 am

I am not sure how to add questions to this game. I got to the point where I was able to use the format and create a xml file, but the new xml file that I created is not being pulled into the swf file or main file for the family feud game. How can I solve this issue?

July 23, 2011
12:46 pm
Forum Posts: 841

The game file (swf) uses the file questions.xml that's in the same folder. Did you overwrite that file (which should then work)? Is it still pulling the default set of questions or is it just loading blank? If it's loading blank, that's almost always due to a syntax error, such as a nested quote or an unclosed quote, in your questions.xml file. You can search these forums for some common syntax errors.

July 23, 2011
1:41 pm

the error that I am getting reads:

The XML page cannot be displayed
Cannot view XML input using XSL style sheet. Please correct the error and then click the Refresh button, or try again later.


The following tags were not closed: questions, question. Error processing resource 'file:///D:/question6.xml'.

July 23, 2011
4:59 pm

Finally figured out how to edit questions and supply an XML document for anyone needing clear directions.

1. right click on original questions file – questions.xml
2. highlight "open with" then choose XML editor
3. Choose "file" in the top left corner.
4. then click on "edit with XML editor"
5. then a notepad program appears where you then retype the questions as being described in the directions on this site.
6. save

Make sure at the bottom of the document you still have:

Now my issue is that I have to proper format, now it would be great if questions would show up on the game. I placed this file in the same folder as the game and only the original questions and answers show up. Can anyone provide clear direction much like I have provided here.

July 23, 2011
5:58 pm
Forum Posts: 841

If it is loading the default set of questions, then your file is probably not named questions.xml. You might have file extensions hidden on Windows and perhaps your file is named questions.xml.txt. There is also a program that will generate the file for you:

September 14, 2011
7:36 pm

First of all thanks for this app or software or wat ever this isLaugh, jeje.
Second, how do i manage more than one round?, if i want to play more, do i need to capture all the questions again?, thanks in advance, i will wait for your answer.

September 15, 2011
6:29 am
Forum Posts: 841

You can create more than one question within a questions file. However, if you want multiple sets of questions, you'll have to create multiple questions files and rename them to play them, or create multiple folders of games (with copies of the game files).

September 15, 2011
4:05 pm

Peter said:

You can create more than one question within a questions file. However, if you want multiple sets of questions, you'll have to create multiple questions files and rename them to play them, or create multiple folders of games (with copies of the game files).

Thanks this was very helpful, Smile