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General comments
August 7, 2008
6:36 pm
Forum Posts: 841

Comments about pricing or the Tab.

August 29, 2008
10:28 pm

I read that some think the Tab is another way of "signing people into a contract." It is not a contract at all.
The concept of the Tab is to set some of the price of your phone aside so you won't have to pay it now; you can pay it later. But while you're with the company, Koodo pays down your Tab every month based on 10% of your bill amount. Koodo can't give out free phones because they don't sign people up into 1-3 year contracts. So they've tried to do the next best thing. You can quit whenever you want with no ridiculous cancellation fee (or your firstborn or your soul), you just have to pay off whatever's left on your Koodo Tab. The phone would be yours to sell or reactivate later, whichever you want.
Koodo could be complete jerks and say you had to buy the phone outright, but they give you the option of the Tab. Also handy for those who don't have the cash to whip out right then and there.

And about the Unlimited Text going up $5 in price to include Picture Messaging...think about it. They aren't charging for the 911, system access or activation fees. They aren't following in Telus' footsteps and charging 15 cents for incoming texts. And people picture message anyway whether it's unlimited or not, and it's about 15 cents to do that. They didn't increase the price of the Talk & Text plan. It's not that bad when you think about it.
Although I do think they should have had that seperate as another $5 add-on.

September 2, 2008
1:59 pm

I have read some comments on the tab, both for and against. However, I cannot see anything but positive. In short, if your standard bill is larger like mine, usually around $100 per month, our phone is paid off in a little over a year. After that, there is no cost for me to switch out. Even if my monthly bill was smaller, in the neighbourhood of $50, it might take a little over 2 years to pay off the phone. Getting out means paying a smaller amount after each month of use. My experience with other providers has been that even up to 3 months left in a 3 year contract, early termination meant fee of $100+....that is unless I would sign up for another contract and then they would kindly waive the fee.

October 24, 2008
1:21 pm

well it appears they don't charge for incoming texts......but you still have to pay for outgoing texts...........why do they say unlimited and then stick this at the bottom of the page.......... i read on otther posts that this is too good to be true............
well it appears it is...

Standard Rates
Incoming Text Messages Free
Outgoing Pay-per-use Text 15ยข/text

October 30, 2008
9:12 am

I am a Koodo customer and I asked about that as well. Those charges only apply if you are not on the unlimited texting plans and you go over the 50 messages that your plan allows. I have unlimited texting and I have never been charged for any additional messages, even international. It's great!