koodoo customer service | Koodo Mobile | Forum

3:04 pm
I called the 18669956636 toll free number on my cell. They requested my number, I put that in . I went through the selections to get me to talk to an agent about my billing. I finally get a customer service rep, and she would not accept my account number, she was insisting that I provide my drivers license number over an unsecure line, even though she already had asked for my birth date which I gave. She continued to tell me that she could do not do anything for me unless I gave her my drivers license. I told her in Canada we do not have to provide a driver license or SIN number over the phone, that is why we have an account number. She continued for over five minutes to give me a load of crap that this is their so-called privacy policy. If this is their so-called privacy policy, then it does not align itself with the Canadian provincial privacy policies. I as a customer should not have to go through this kind of crap from a customer service rep, when I have provided my cell number ,date of birth and my account number. This rep, did not want to listen to me, or do anything for me, and when I raised my voice and asker her why do I have an account number, she just simply said, I am going to hang up and then she hung up. This is not customer service at all. Koodoo has my drivers license number on file, as well as my address and date of birth. I will be making a complaint to our provincial privacy commissioner about this type of behavior.