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Texting problem
February 20, 2009
8:02 pm

Hello people, I haven't read all the topics here but I was too lazy to read them all.
I have a problem with my Koodo Motorola W385 phone. I have it since my 15th birthday which is in October and have had no problems with it until now.

Since this morning, I have had replies on my phone like "Message cannot be send, Check Message status" whenever I texted someone, and that's like EVERY TEXT I SENT and it would say General Problems on the message status. But the people I txt would reply back, like they had the txt? I'm confused; What does that mean? How can I fix it? and I've seen the Koodo CS pretty much sucks, they don't even have a FAQ. :(

Any help here? It's getting on my nerves,

February 26, 2009
5:16 pm


That has happened to me before. Even though it says the message wasn't sent, it WAS. It has happened to me before and it goes away after a day. Don't worry, your texts are still being sent. And most likely that message will go away soon.