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the koodo tab "buisness"
February 25, 2009
8:00 pm
seriously thinking K

Hi, im seriously thinking about going with Koodo Mobile. Im curious, there website doesnt explain much... can someone please explain it to me in simpler manner? I am thinking about buying the LG KEYBO which, says that it costs $225.00, but when i clicked on it the tab said $150.00 automaticly, then the "you pay" price said, $75.00? Like... i don't understand, do i pay this price additionally as i pay for my monthly costs, cause i really don't want to spend $225.00 for a phone, or what happens?!

The plan i was going towards was the "up to 50minutes, up to 50 text messages", then i was going to add the unlimited text which totalled to $20/month.

please help!

February 26, 2009
5:14 pm


Let me explain the tab to you. So lets say you put $150 on your tab. Every month, when your bill comes, 10% of the bill is used towards paying your tab.

For example,

You bill is $23 ($20 + tax). 10% of $23 is $2.30.
So, then they would take the 2.30 and subtract is from the $150.
So then you would have $147.70 left to pay.

You ARENT charged 10%, it's just taken from what you pay for your bill.
So your bill will never be more than what you signed up for (excluding roaming, extra mins, etc).

So each month 10% of your bill will go towards paying your tab. You are NOT charged any extra money.

February 26, 2009
6:44 pm
seriously thinking K

oh my.
Thank you very much for explaining that!

So, do you think it would be a better deal to Do the $150 on the tab, and then pay $75 for the phone? Rather than paying $225.00?

February 26, 2009
6:50 pm
Forum Posts: 841

It’s better to take “The Tab”, assuming that you have ruled out other wireless providers of course. Just remember that if you want to leave Koodo before the tab is paid off, you have to pay the remaining balance.