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very disappointed with Koodo
March 14, 2012
8:05 pm

Very disappointed Ive got to say. I switched over from Rogers to Koodo in August because I was sick of the rubbish from Rogers and heard good things with Koodo, but every bill that I've received from them since have had issues.

In September I had long distance charges made to my account for calls that I did not make. My plan also included unlimited minutes after 7pm but my invoice showed that many calls I made after 7pm was still counted towards my day time minutes (which I only have 100 of), and there for was charged for additional airtime. I called in about the issues and they were very apologetic and adjusted my bill right away. Though I did not have any long distance charge issues proceeding that incident, the issue regarding my evening minutes continue to persist.

For the 2 months after that every time I called in they would adjust my bill for me and said that they would also fix the issue but the problem continue to persist.

The most recent time I called I was actually very enraged because firstly, the agent tried to convince me that my invoices were actually in GMT even though I lived in Ontario. This made no sense whatsoever because 1) all the times on the invoice corresponded to the times on my cellphone call records and 2) if that were true, the invoice would indicate that I was making calls at times where I would be sleeping (4am-5am). I disputed this with him for a long time before he was able to realized that they "actually have 2 different systems with different timezones" (his words). When he was finally able to find the system with the correct timezone and finally understood what I was trying to tell him, he consulted with a supervisor and told me that the times on the invoice actually don't reflect the times where I made my calls and that they were delayed due to "tower signals". I again explained to him that the times are congruent to the ones on my call records in my cellphone, which he then consulted another supervisor with. He then came back and told me that the times on my invoice are, in fact, correct, but the column indicating call period are not accurate and that I should not trust it. Extremely unprofessional IMO. I then asked him how can I as a consumer (or any one for that matter) trust that their records are always correct when he keeps saying that they are inaccurate. He responded that he has been told that they are therefore they should be.

Very very disappointed with Koodo and considering another carrier.