
eZ Components Graph: knocks the socks off Excel

First published on December 23, 2006

Say goodbye to the ugly Excel graphs and never look back!

There’s a package of open source PHP mini-apps / libraries called eZ Components, and the “Component” that caught my eye was Graph. So I quickly mixed some code from the tutorial to create my very own catchy pie graph:

My example chart generated with eZ Components Graph

Now, I realized I’ve only scratched the surface with line graphs, bar charts, and all sorts of crazy, fancy variations also available…

Oh, and the lesson from that graph is, of course, not to waste so much water making your grass green!

December 31st, 2006 update: because I love pie charts so much, I’ve created a generator that makes pie charts based on the style in the chart above. Remember that this is only a small part of what eZ Components can do!


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