
New Westminster downtown train whistle cessation September 2015

First published on August 29, 2015

According to a New Westminster City engineering report from May 2015, train whistle cessation downtown is expected to be completed in September 2015.

The noise from train horns at all times of the day has long been an issue for residents and businesses in and near New Westminster. A steady increase in residential developments near the water and thus next to the train crossings has coincided with an increase in complaints, and it was reported in 2013 that the train whistle noise had become the top complaint in the city.

An effort that began many years ago as part of a general Downtown Community Plan and that is estimated to cost at least $3 million (paid by some combination of the city and the railway companies) is seeing its first results. Train whistle cessation has already started at the Port Royal crossing; upcoming highlights include the completion of upgrades to the downtown crossings (Begbie and Front Street as well as Front Street at Fourth Street) in September 2015 and to the Quayside Drive crossing some time in 2016.

More information about the silencing of the train horns can be found on the New Westminster City website on the Train Whistling FAQs page. Quietly exciting times…


One Response to “New Westminster downtown train whistle cessation September 2015”

  1. Julia says:

    Hi, MP Peter Julian is sponsoring a petition to reduce railway noise and vibration across Canada please share and support e-187!

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