Eye Shades Optical review: contact lenses and good service in Burnaby
First published on February 20, 2011
Online contact lens retailers such as Clearly Contacts have definitely impacted the contact lens industry, and I’ve ordered from them without problems before.
Lately, however, I’ve discovered that storefront dispensers are not necessarily more expensive. I’ve been going to Eye Shades Optical in Burnaby, and they work out to be cheaper than online sites when shipping and my low-volume purchases are factored in. The staff at Eye Shades Optical are very nice, helpful, and friendly, and provide good answers to my occasional questions. They have also given me a free contact lens case when I’ve needed one with a purchase, and also sometimes have free samples of contact lens solution or contact lenses, and occasional deals on the lenses.
Eye Shades Optical is located adjacent to the Metrotown bus loop and SkyTrain station, underneath the movie theatre at Station Square, and can be reached at 604-438-8788.
On a related note, remember to regularly visit a licensed optometrist or ophthalmologist to get your eye health checked. You’re not obligated to buy contact lenses or glasses from them, but they can identify eye diseases and other vision problems, unlike a normal retailer or optician such as Eye Shades Optical. Eye exams are also covered by MSP.. Thanks to Derek for pointing out that routine eye exams are not covered by MSP unless you’re 18 and younger or 65 and older. (Although, if the eye exam uncovers a potential medical issue with your eyes, MSP might cover part of the exam cost.) If your employer has a benefits plan, eye exams might be covered under that.

February 21st, 2011 at 12:09 am
tim says:
I found the same goes for travel agents. I researched my trip online first, then went to a local agency that offered advice, and the same price. No need even for price matching.
February 23rd, 2011 at 9:02 am
David Edwards says:
All they have to do is concentrate on good customer service, the repeat trade will happen naturally!…
February 23rd, 2011 at 12:24 pm
DK says:
Good info!
Although I don’t think that "routine" eye exams (checkups) are covered by MSP.
Reply from Peter: You’re completely right. Thanks for pointing that out. I read the MSP page wrong: http://www.health.gov.bc.ca/msp/infoben/benefits.html#eyeexam, which says you have to be 18 years or younger or 65 years and older. (Although, if the eye exam uncovers a potential medical issue with your eyes, MSP might cover part of the exam cost.) If your employer has a benefits plan, eye exams might be covered under that.