
What the heck is Linkie Winkie?

First published on August 7, 2006

Who knows… but it just crawled my site. There needs to be a Linkie Winkie entry in Wikipedia. By the way, has anybody noticed that Linkie Winkie has trouble with its and it’s:

“We’re not going to tell you much about it, except that its a very altruistic little site and loves to be talked about.”


11 Responses to “What the heck is Linkie Winkie?”

  1. Peter says:

    Linkie winkie is a littlie weirdie…

  2. Alan says:

    regarding your prevoius post, they also unfortunately don’t allow walk-throughs.

  3. Julia says:

    I don’t get it….

  4. Leah says:

    I also don’t get it….you should explain it in Layman terms for us visitors that know nothing about all this techie stuff!

  5. Peter says:

    Yeah, I actually don’t understand it either, to tell you the truth. I linked to it and it linked to me.

  6. bfd says:

    One thing that Linkie Winkie is: ignorant of robots.txt (although it does seem to wait a respectful period of time between page requests).

  7. P. says:

    After a year of no blogging, I returned to discover that other enquiring minds want to know who Linkie Winkie is. Has anyone contacted someone at Feedburner or other services like that? Yeah, it’s a little weird. I hope they are altruistic and giving money to a legitimate site.

  8. na says:

    Since you won’t tell us what it is we are adding it to the globa ban list.

  9. Laffy Taffy says:

    Linkie Winkie, which I just learned about when I went to there site, is obviously a college experiment designed to see the effects of linking people socially when they wouldn’t be linked before. Actually, I think I’m not too sure… I linked them too my blog( and now they should put my link on their site. They will keep getting more and more hits. They will put lots of ads on and make tons of money for college funding. I win. This rocks my mocassins. Ohhhh riiiiiight.

  10. Tom says:

    This is fucking stupid!!!! This is not what the web was intended for.

    That is the problem, all of this stupid shit cluttering it up!

    Why when I try to go to, this a-hole of a site is there?

  11. vanguard says:

    Linkie Winkie is an attempt to come across as both cute and hip, which is near impossible to do – as you can see. However, I can appreciate the freebies :)

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