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Magic jack cannot call area code 647
November 25, 2008
5:30 pm

Can someone tell me why magic jack cannot call the cellular phone with starting area code of 647? You can hear the ring tone from your magic jack ahndset but the actual cell phone does not ring.

November 25, 2008
5:35 pm
Forum Posts: 841

This isn't going to be a helpful answer, but I see no reason why it shouldn't ring.

November 25, 2008
6:02 pm

Thanks for quick reply, Peter. I know it sounds weird but I tried calling 3 different cellular phones with an area code 647, and exactly same thing happens on each one. Does anyone experiencing same type of problem?

November 26, 2008
6:36 pm

I experienced a similar problem last weekend with a 905 area code in Canada. I called my wifes cell and it worked fine but when I tried calling my cell with the same area code it would ring on my magicjack but my cell wouldn't ring. I tried this a least a dozen times and gave up. Then I did an upgrade or update on my magijack and it cleared up the problem. I hope this helps.

May 17, 2009
11:29 am


I had similar problems with my old VoIP. I was with a US company, calling back to Canada all the time. It seams that there is not enough connections when making the call, but I had not heard of any complaint of friends and family that could not reach us. Incoming Canadian number to your Canadian number provided through the US was fine. We gave up on them for a Canadian based VoIP service and have had no issues calling out since then.

I hope this helps some in the future.

Kind regards