Logout works great, but log in keeps going to my account page | Peter's Login Redirect | Forum
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Logout works great, but log in keeps going to my account page
May 19, 2014
6:19 pm
6:19 pm
New Member
Forum Posts: 1

You can see by going to http://www.GreenPeakLabs.com/makerplace (demo site). Log in with user "test" and pass "test". It should take you to the events page on login and the members-home page on logout.
Any idea why it may be doing this?
You can inspect the source of the login form to see if it's posting to anywhere other than wp-login.php.
You could also disable plugin one by one to see which is responsible.
Or, you can use something like this to see what's hooked into the "login_redirect" filter: