Possible help in redirecting user to a custom page after profile edit ? | Peter's Login Redirect | Forum
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4:08 pm
hello, i am using your redirect plugin it works like a charm.
i made a custom area for members. now what i am planning is to redirect a user to that area whenver they edit their profile (wp-admin/profile.php) . is it possible ?
i have tried implementing this code :
function redirect_me(){
But it redirects the user withotu saving the changes in profile edit section :( .
i know its a little off topic but since u did a good redirect plugin i hope u can help me with that.
Unfortunately I haven't looked at the profile update process before. Sounds like the "personal_options_update" hook is too early in the update workflow. There might be a more suitable hook later in that workflow; if not, the non-hack version would be to duplicate the "save changes" code within your function, and then include the redirect code. The wordpress.org forums are a good place to ask for more help on that.
Good luck!