
need help adding extras | Peter's Sports League Standings | Forum

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need help adding extras
June 8, 2008
3:22 pm

great script.

Much kudos to you!

Im wondering about adding a few extra features just for me, or even to add into the next release.

My league isnt actually for a real football league, its for a FIFA 2008 Xbox 360 lounge.

im wondering how hard it would be to add another numerical field to the table for points as the game gives points based on other things than just the score. It would be great to be able to just input a custom number per team when i add a new game. and then have the standings table sortable by this number.

For example

Red v Blue

2 - 0

240 - -40

im not very experienced in PHP or SQL but i will give it a go myself. Any help or instruction would be very much appreciated.

One more thing, id like each team to have a link. Would it be possible to add a link to a team or even allow HTML within a team comment field or something.

If anyone can help with any of these thing i would be extremely happy. and if i manage to get it working im happy to share how it did it. lol but thats probably not very likely.

thanks in advance


June 8, 2008
8:44 pm
Forum Posts: 841

Hi, if you can find someone who knows PHP and MySQL, the features that you requested (additional standings fields and a link for each team) can be implemented in about an hour or two of work.

I do not plan on adding those features to the core of the script and will be focusing my efforts on getting multiple season functionality going. Unfortunately I haven't even found the time to get started on that.

Do keep us updated on your progress. If anybody here wants to help out Craig, please post here.

June 10, 2008
2:48 pm

Have tried to add another field for points but am failing miserably.

Forget the Team links thats unimportant.

Please if someone could help me that would be very much appreciated.
