
Google’s search dominance statistics — 19 times the hits that Yahoo! brings?

First published on October 22, 2007

According to Nielsen online (as reported on Yahoo! News), Google had a 54% share of the online search market in September 2007. Yahoo! was second with a 19.5% share.

The statistics from this site (using AWStats) for September 2007 showed 21,042 hits or 85% from Google searches (not counting hits from Google Images) and 1,089 hits or 4.4% from Yahoo! searches.

I wonder what’s the definition of “online search market share” and whether Google has 2.75 or 19 times the search dominance of Yahoo!. Of course, many factors come in to play, such as location and type of site…


One Response to “Google’s search dominance statistics — 19 times the hits that Yahoo! brings?”

  1. Tony says:

    I have found similar percentages of search query referrals. Google dominates by far. I think that Google’s ranking algorithm is superior to Yahoo’s. It seems that Yahoo does not spend any effort trying to screen hits for web content that is duplicated, and a lot of the duplicate content shifts unique retrieval beyond the first page.

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