Complaints | Page 3 | Koodo Mobile | Forum

2:24 pm
What is your solution to all these problems? Don't complain if you dont have a solution... as in, who should we go with cellular wise? Bell? Virgin? Rogers? No matter what phone company you go with, you will have problems, especially if you don't understand where and why all these charges come from.
Apart from that, mathematically, I choose Koodo because they are far cheaper and I will not get screwed as much as I did with other companies. I don't have to worry about getting overcharged because I chose a plan that covers my ass. I was paying $150 a month elsewhere and now I pay $66 flat without worrying about where I am in Canada and who is calling me ever.
I also choose Koodo because it doesn't cost $400 to cancel and you aren't sucked into a 3 year contract. I have a $30 phone, if I cancel I will owe hardly anything.
Anyway, suggest to me what company I should go with instead? Otherwise quit the complaining and find another way to communicate across the country without a cell phone provider.
2:30 pm
Oh, and one other thing.. here are some reviews of cell phone carriers:
Lots of info on that site. Not one phone company rates above 6/10. So go ahead choose someone else.
9:48 pm
Well, with everything that i have gone through with Koodo so far, a major complaint that i have with them is the wait time to talk to a customer service rep. Tonight alone i have spent 70 minutes waiting on hold so that i could speak to a rep. After the long wait the was able to assist me with my problem, the phone would not ring when an incoming call was made to my phone, other than that all has been good
6:09 pm
Sarge said:
hey, Im looking at signing up for koodo service. Now Ive read the credit rating stuff and I have a question and was hoping somebody on here could answer it. I dont have good credit rating at all because of student loan, now if I dont choose to do the ‘Tab’ option, will that effect my ability to get service with them? Or will it be ok if I just pay full price for the phone right there and there will be no credit check? Because Ive been turned down by some companies because of that. Virgin Mobile has no deposit either, and they turned me down. So if someone could answer this for me that’d be great
It doesn't matter if you pay outright for the phone, they still do a credit check...i know because i watched the clerk do it. The credit check won't affect your ability to get the phone but you won't get a tab and you will be given a restricted dollar amount on the phone..250.00...this will stay for one year, after that time period they will review the account and if you've paid on time, they will allow you to purchase another phone with a tab and increase your billing amount
12:14 pm
Had nothing but bad experience with koodo. And lately, everytime i dialed *611 to talk to someone they have been billing long distance charges and wont remove them saying i called a 416 number, which i dont have and wouldnt do since i live in Montreal.
Koodo has the worst customer service. Im changing phone company! Dont get koodo phone! texting sucks too. You always get duplicate messages or send duplicates, or it tells you sending error but it sends it 6 times. Also when you dial *611 sometimes you get Telus and they tell you you dont have a phone with them call koodo! DUH i called *611 from my phone im expecting Koodo!
It also sucks because they wouldnt let me pay my bill by credit card (which was the only way to do if i didnt want to get suspeded cause i was a few days late,) cause my phone adresse was not the same then my credit cards adress. they do this for fraud! fraud my *** koodo IS THE FRAUD
9:16 pm
This is in response to the bashing of Koodo and the fact that they are out for your money. I happen to be in the family of someone who has worked for bctel which turned into telus of which koodo is a part of. The fact of the matter is every company wants your money. My family has phones from bell, telus and rogers. I am 19 and just recently switched to koodo. On my salary and paying for tuition this was the best choice for me. Phones are a very personal thing. For me the unlimited texting was a selling point as well as no contracts. My friend wants to switch to Koodo but her current cell phone company wants her pay for the remaining months left on her contract. It comes out to about $300! For me, I got my phone for free and If i choose to leave I have to pay for the phone. which is about $80 right now. I realize that this is bragging about how great Koodo is but you just have to shop around for the plan that is right for you. I think people need to stop complaining and see that all cell phones are a rip off!
1:16 pm
Sandalle said:
Had nothing but bad experience with koodo. And lately, everytime i dialed *611 to talk to someone they have been billing long distance charges and wont remove them saying i called a 416 number, which i dont have and wouldnt do since i live in Montreal.
Koodo has the worst customer service. Im changing phone company! Dont get koodo phone! texting sucks too. You always get duplicate messages or send duplicates, or it tells you sending error but it sends it 6 times. Also when you dial *611 sometimes you get Telus and they tell you you dont have a phone with them call koodo! DUH i called *611 from my phone im expecting Koodo!
It also sucks because they wouldnt let me pay my bill by credit card (which was the only way to do if i didnt want to get suspeded cause i was a few days late,) cause my phone adresse was not the same then my credit cards adress. they do this for fraud! fraud my *** koodo IS THE FRAUD
Why do people keep saying this and act like its just koodo? Im not with koodo and neither are my friends. Im with Rogers and my friends are with rogers or telus. I get duplicates all the time from rogers bell and telus customers.... Its obviously a CELLPHONE problem and not a Koodo CELLPHONE problem lol. FYI
1:22 pm
what a bunch of cryb said:
Are you people for real or just a bunch of morons. I have 2 koodo phones and have ZERO
problems. CS is just fine. The phone service is excellent. My kid averages 2500 texts a month with no problems.
LOL not everybody is the same, that is no reason to call evrybody else morons, I hope for the worlds sake you do not raise that kid on the same ignorance you have adapted.
11:09 pm
DAISY101 said:
I have to agree with absydion on their last comment. Every cell phone company is the same. Some might be better than others however, if you represent a company, learn the first rule of life. Stop needlesly taking offence. Believe me, they are not as loyal to you as you might think. Regarding the reply, its written in very poor English. Run on sentences, no commas or periods. Bad grammar.
In addition, F.Y.I. every cell phone company on the planet has the same objective….TO GET YOUR MONEY….. if you don”t know that basic fact perhaps………. you should get out in the real world and stop being ignorant.
Stop being so harsh- the CSR is NOT on an official koodo site, he/she is just responding with his/her own knowledge and should not be treated differently than any other individually accessing this website. The lack of grammar is not important, he/she is expressing his/her own opinions and it is your own ignorance to comment on semantics without trying to simply understand that he/she is just trying to send out their opinion. As a customer service rep., it's pretty obvious that he/she is going to say that Koodo is not out for your money, is it really that shocking that they are talking..... I dunno, LIKE an advocate for Koodo- or are you ignorant enough to believe that they would do otherwise....?
3:17 pm
I've called in several times with the company. I've had 3 great reps and one bad one. Therefore I, as a comfortible user of the phone, am going to suggest not blaming the rep that is helping you... but rather that maybe you're just not happy with having to be making ANY phonecall that you didn't want to make yourself. Being pleasent helps them help you so much sooner.. so why dont a select few of you practice some damn patience.
NOTHING is perfect, so stop acting like the world is going to bow down to you and give you what you want in the exact amount of time that you want it. There is much bigger issues in the world than complaining about all the defective things that happen in your cell phone world.
To turn ANY of the comments we have listed into a completely different topic as to what our GRAMMAR skills are.... I'm not saying this to anyone directly within this forum.... but come on guys... this is seriously pathetic. The worst part is you all know it, you just will not admit to it. The next time you see someone with no food or shelter on the side of the road... think about how badly koodo treated you... I wonder which one comparitively really makes a difference to you when put into perspective.
I am AWARE that the two points are not related in any way, shape, or form... my point is there are much more important things to put your complaining towards. Think about it before you go ahead an tell me off, letting me know how incorrect I am in your opinion....or where my spelling mistakes are.
I know I am not alone on this one, however, so that is all that really matters.
10:53 pm
Koodo employee here - reading just to see what people's beefs are to make sure I don't make the same mistakes in my own job if I can help it.
My suggestion as to the customer service is to go to an actual kiosk and talk to someone there. If need be, they will call in to customer service, negotiate automated phone hell for you, and get the problem fixed. (Or they should; if they're not willing to do that, someone botched when that person was hired.) Don't go to an in-store set-up - like the other poster who had an issue with a rep and BestBuy. As far as I've been told, those people aren't hired or trained by Koodo, so experiences with them are iffy.
Text message issues are linked to networking, not the service provider. We use the analogy of a highway - there's messages coming and going from a ton of locations in a ton of different directions. And sometimes things get snarled up. It doesn't matter what company you're with, this will happen from time to time. I had it happen with Rogers and Bell, and now Koodo. That's the nature of text messaging. You have the option of making a phone call.
And PP's are right; every cell phone company has their issues, Koodo included - that's why I tell people to shop around and Read.The.Fine.Print.
7:30 pm
I see what those customer service types are talking about. There is a vast difference in technical skill and know-how amongst reps. My phone was suddenly disconnected one day, and my friends told me another girl was answering when they tried to call me. I couldn't call, text, or receive either. I emailed Koodo and I got a message back saying "you still have to call in for that." So, I waited on hold for a very long time (of course), and the girl didn't really know how to help me. She called and got the same problem my friends were getting, so she might as well have no training at all. She told me she could give me a new number for free. I of course asked if that meant getting my old number back was cost money. She said "yes, unfortunately you would have to pay the $35 activation fee." I was livid; I had done nothing wrong and now I had to pay to have my number back? I was getting a little frustrated at that point and refused the offer. She send she would send my problem to the mythical "engineers" and would personally follow up and would email at my email associated with my account. Never heard from her (and I have a landline associated with my account too). I'm not a huge cell phone person so I didn't notice day to day that I didn't have service anymore. Then, a few weeks later, I received a bill with some features added and huge minute overages. I immediately called in again and the girl who helped me the second time solved my problem! And she was really nice, I was very impressed with the service. I got my number back and my bill is fully cleared. Overall, I'm satisfied with Koodo.
8:37 am
I work at The Source, and I have heard so many stories and complaints about Bell, Rogers, Koodo and Telus. However, I've heard more about Bell than I have anyone else; they are the true epitome of poor customer service.
One person previous to my post nailed it head on when he stated these people are minimum-off-the-street-slackers who really don't give two shits about your problems. Now, I am not ignorant, there are some agents who are very good and decent people who do a great job. However, it's pretty rare, which is why I'm glad I switched to Cogeco - their customer service by far, surpasses the aforementioned companies.
I am considering Koodo, but at this point, I may just wait and do even more background work on them before I make a decision.
4:17 pm
I have been with koodo for a year now and have zero problems. I have unlimited long distance 750 any time minutes,and free early evening and weekends all for seventy buck a month. I use my phone a lot and have never had an overage or un explained charges. I think koodo is great and would recomend it to anyone. :)
1:49 am
addy said:
Text message issues are linked to networking, not the service provider. We use the analogy of a highway - there’s messages coming and going from a ton of locations in a ton of different directions. And sometimes things get snarled up. It doesn’t matter what company you’re with, this will happen from time to time. I had it happen with Rogers and Bell, and now Koodo. That’s the nature of text messaging. You have the option of making a phone call.
And PP’s are right; every cell phone company has their issues, Koodo included - that’s why I tell people to shop around and Read.The.Fine.Print.
I text about 800 a month, and every other day, my text messages don't go through and they don't come in. also, my friends always complain about duplicate message. I too, get duplicate messages, followed by delayed messages that come in all at once. their text messaging service is very unreliable.
"every cell phone comany has their issues" well, Telus/Koodo has major issues then.
and "call waiting," as they call it is, simply stupid. when you get another call, instead of putting the first person on hold, they will hang up on them, and after the second call is over, Koodo will call the first person you were talking to.
very disappointed with Koodo. but then again, I shouldn't be expecting much from Telus
but on the bright side, the Motorola w385 is very, very durable. but battery life is horrible.
2:57 pm
Ok so here's the deal, not only when you sign up with Koodo are you expecting a new phone and most times you actually get a referbished phone ( I know this because I worked for the company and on the inventory and shippment slips it says referbished!! There are very few new phones) but when you go to cancel your service your have to wait 30 DAYS or until ur next billing cycle!!! This is bullshit considering customers are signing up for a no contract phone plan! No where in my "service agreement" does it say you have to give 30 days notice. It does say you are responsible for paying the tab balance, which is told to everyone when you sign up for the plan but it does not say you must wait 30 days!! I really just want people to be aware of this considering Koodo is suppose to be a no term contract phone company!!