Living Abroad | magicJack | Forum

12:42 pm
Killa T said:
It works everywhere. As long as you have internet and a pc. I’m using it in jamaica.
Do you have a U.S. phone number? Can people in the U.S. call your magicJack number the same as if you are in the U.S. (even though you are in another country) and they are not charged international rates?
cHRISTINE -- yes, but it will cost you per minute. See this slightly informational post.
3:33 am

I currently live in Turkey and I have the MJ Plus. It seems to work fine as long as I have it plugged into my computer, but when I try to plug it into the LAN port of my router, I get dial tone, but it can't dial any phone numbers. When I dial a digit, I get the tone but the dial tone is constant through the dialing process and when I have dialed the complete 10 digit number, all I get is the sustained dial tone still.
The only thing I can think of is that the wireless router that I am using is running on 220v power and maybe that is making the magic jack LAN connection go crazy. Any advice or input any of you may have will be appreciated.
I just want to be able to use my MJ plus without having to have my computer on all the time I use it.