7-Eleven Speak Out Wireless Canadian FAQ
First published on March 31, 2007
Edit: OK, I’ve moved the FAQ and started a separate site to hold 7-Eleven Speak Out Wireless information since I seem to be always writing about it…
It won’t win any design awards, but hopefully it can serve as a sort of resource centre for this service.

March 19th, 2007 at 12:48 pm
Leo says:
Thanks for the info! I’ve been trying to gather information about 7-11’s wireless service for a while.
There is a $0.05 charge for incoming text msgs. You can also check your balance with *777.
Hope this helps add to your FAQ!
March 19th, 2007 at 1:11 pm
Peter says:
Hey Leo, are you sure about the incoming text message charge? When I signed up in December, I was charged for incoming, but starting in January, I noticed that they were free!
March 20th, 2007 at 7:33 am
Leo says:
I just called the customer service number, and they said that there was still a $0.05 charge for incoming msgs. I even had her confirm the info with someone else. I have received conflicting info from them in the past though.. Maybe I’ll call again later this week and ask again. I’ll let you know if I find anything out!
March 20th, 2007 at 8:40 am
Peter says:
Thanks. For now I’ve updated the FAQ to reflect this conflicting info!
March 23rd, 2007 at 6:44 am
Leo says:
Update: I called today, and they now say that there is no charge for incoming msgs..
March 23rd, 2007 at 7:26 am
Peter says:
Cool. Updated (again).
March 26th, 2007 at 9:25 pm
steve olsen says:
NICE TO SEE AS WE GET CLOSER AND CLOSER TO A BIG BROTHER WORLD. I LIVE IN KELOWNA CANADA USED XMAS SPECIAL $100 air time cost $100 -free phone! Still works great no dropped calls and 1 year warrenty!
April 5th, 2007 at 10:20 am
donat geoffrion says:
i purchase adigisonic wireless headphones model8082-8083.i can not make it works how do i contact support service thank you
April 5th, 2007 at 10:26 am
Peter says:
As you will see on my review, I am only a customer, and I ended up returning them.
April 25th, 2007 at 10:14 pm
SHannie says:
I didnt reload my speak out for a year because i misplaced the phone, how do i make it work? they said contact customer service but i cannot find the number. Please help
April 25th, 2007 at 10:30 pm
Peter says:
Go to speakoutwireless.ca and see FAQ #2.
December 13th, 2007 at 6:40 am
Bob says:
Is it true that the $100 special offer has been extended through Jan. 7, 2008?
December 13th, 2007 at 2:35 pm
Peter says:
I don’t know. You should post your question on the speakoutwireless.ca forums.
December 13th, 2007 at 7:43 pm
Bob says:
Will do, Peter. Thanks.
January 4th, 2008 at 9:30 pm
Joe says:
uhmm, i have a Nokia 6061 speakout wireless cellphone but when i try to access the web an error comes up saying “Subscribe to packet data first”. Please get back to me if you know how to fix this
January 5th, 2008 at 12:07 am
Peter says:
Speak Out Wireless currently doesn’t offer any web services. See http://www.speakoutwireless.ca
January 5th, 2008 at 5:15 pm
Joe says:
Ohh okay thanks. Just that i had this phone for about a year now and was hoping it would be out sometime soon. Well, now at least i know its not my phone thats not working properly.
October 1st, 2008 at 6:35 pm
Darling says:
First, I love my speakout. Forget the monthly fees, overtime charges, hidden costs, blah blah blah. I love my speakout. And fantastic speakerphone – better than hubby’s Telus piece of crapola.
Second, I just (Oct. 1/08) bought a $100 time card to load on my $0.04 balance, and upon loading the update 5 mins later, the ‘voice’ said I had $125.04 on my card. Is this a hidden deal??? I’m tempted to go back and buy a second $100 card.
Thanks for your thoughts!
October 1st, 2008 at 8:24 pm
Peter says:
Hi, actually this is part of the new, hiked rates (argh says me). Starting July 1, 2008, the per minute rate went up from 20 cents per minute to 25 cents per minute. However, the "effective rate" for the $75 and $100 vouchers remains at 20 cents. To do that, they gross up the airtime in your account for those vouchers. See FAQ #3 on www.speakoutwireless.ca
March 2nd, 2009 at 5:01 am
samantha says:
I mistakenly reset my whole phone and I somehow lost my text messaging service number for 7-11 and I’m not sure how to get it back, I think everyone has the number on their phone if they go to text messaging and then settings. I really hope someone will be able to help me out. I really miss texting!!
Reply from Peter: please post your question at http://www.speakoutwireless.ca/speak
May 10th, 2009 at 5:43 pm
Lazarus says:
is the www.speakoutwireless.ca website down? it’s been unavailable all weekend. did the suits file a cease and desist order or something?
great job btw, hope it’s back up soon!
Reply from Peter: Hehehe, no there are no serious issues other than a server problem. Since the website is a low-budget operation, we are at the mercy of the whims of low-budget hosting. The web host is working on it and the site should be back shortly.
June 21st, 2009 at 1:56 pm
Lee says:
I visit family and friends in Canada every year and since I only have prepaid cellphone from US, it’s really inconvenient. The 7-eleven speakout phones sound like the perfect deal for me who will only use it 2-3 weeks per year.
Any things I need to pay attention if I buy one of these?
Reply from Peter: Be sure to check http://www.speakoutwireless.ca to find out what other customers are saying. Speak Out should be rather straightforward for your needs. Note that it does not offer international roaming (you can certainly make international calls, though) and thus it won’t work in the US. The initial investment is higher than most other countries since you must buy a phone and SIM together. However, just refill with at least a $25 voucher every year and your airtime will last another 365 days each time (that is, unless they shorten the expiry date policy at some point in the future).
June 23rd, 2009 at 1:10 pm
Lee says:
Thank you Peter!
March 23rd, 2010 at 3:29 pm
Frank says:
Hi, Peter,
I’m considering a purchasing ‘speakout’ SIM card on-line. If it has not been activated do I have any concern about activating it with my area code even though it was bought in another area? I assume I’m right in planning to use it in my current Rogers GSM phone.
Reply from Peter: They have an automated activation system now, so the initial area code is likely related to the store at which it was purchased. However, after the activation process you should not have a problem calling 7-Eleven customer service and having them change the area code assigned to the SIM. Be sure to ask at http://www.speakoutwireless.ca/speak where you’ll get the benefit of a much larger user base (larger than just me!).
June 20th, 2010 at 5:05 pm
Emil says:
Can I call the US from Canada using a Canadian Speakout phone?
I live in US and travel to Canada occasionally. I fish in remote areas around the Kamloops and wonder what the cell coverage would be. Also, could a buy a sim card for my Nokia to operate on Speakout in Canada. As you can see, I like to keep costs down!
Reply from Peter: The short answer is yes. Check http://www.speakoutwireless.ca for information on rates and coverage. As for buying a SIM separately, you could try buying one from others at http://www.speakoutwireless.ca/speak
July 15th, 2010 at 7:33 am
Saim says:
Is there a reason why my account balance keeps on going low without me making any call? I checked my balance yesterday and it was at $1.63 and today it was $0.38. I called or received nothing (phone calls or text messages). Did anyone else ever experience this?
Reply from Peter: There’s a $1.25 monthly 911 fee. If happening more often than monthly, be sure to call customer service.
July 26th, 2010 at 3:49 pm
ander says:
Hi Peter,
Thanks for posting this useful information, which many other Speakout® customers should find quite useful. (Of course I’m referring to the information on the pages you link to here, not this page—although this page is certainly useful in finding the other pages.)
I don’t know you, but I’m guessing you’re just an all-’round useful type of guy. Imagine you spending all that personal time to organize, present, moderate, and update such info on behalf of a huge corporation that couldn’t be bothered to do the same. Thank God there are people like you—people who obviously have a lot of free time, perhaps lacking the in-person social skills and/or qualities the rest of us use to squander our time chasing babes, accumulating wealth, and so forth, here in the real world—who are available to step in and fill the gap on behalf of those preoccupied, possibly neglectful 7-Eleven execs who are probably off enjoying themselves on the golf course as we speak, instead of supporting their customers.
It’s too bad you don’t get any of the perks (company car and driver, country club membership, extended vacation time, etc.) that should be accorded your vast and selfless labour. But you realized all this when you took on this vital work—indeed, work that would go thankless were it not for inane feedback such as this. Way to go. Please have your people call my people (on their Speakout® phones, natch) so they can do lunch.
Reply from Peter: Very entertaining comment.
July 28th, 2010 at 6:32 pm
Vision says:
Ander, for someone who squanders most of their time chasing babes, you sure seemed to spend a long time thinking/posting about Peters life.
August 9th, 2010 at 1:40 pm
L. Broadfield says:
Hey Peter, I was trying to register for your Speak Out site, to ask questions about data plans and to buy a SIM from someone… but I can’t register with my email address ([email protected]).
FWIW, my question is:
I’ll be visiting Canada for about a week, and would like my iPad to have data access. Rogers is (for sure) the only carrier that coveres the remote town I’ll be in, and it seems to me that I should be able to get a SO SIM, enable the data coverage, trim it down for my iPad, and set the APN correctly.
This seems as though it shoudl work, and seems like the most economical alternative — any hidden catches, or experience that suggests it won’t work?
Reply from Peter: Try using one of those disposable e-mail addresses (like at mailinator.com) just to get registered on the forum. I don’t have any experience with data; what I’ve read suggests that you should be able to do what you’ve described. You’ll need to either buy a SIM in the forum or buy it with a phone from a 7-Eleven and then sell or give away the phone. Be sure to check with the data gurus on the forum.
August 31st, 2010 at 5:35 pm
mike vs says:
hey there, i have recently switched to an htc hero, from an iphone, and i have a 7-eleven phone with a sim. when i had my iphone i could change the apn on it to make it so that i could use the unlimited browsing with the iphone, and was wondering if anybody knows how to do that with an android phone? im urgent to figure it out because i can not afford my current plan.
white HTC Hero GSM
8GB Memory card
September 22nd, 2010 at 1:18 pm
Brandon says:
what carriers can work on speakout 7-11 if I unlocked a phone or do any carriers work without unlocking?
Reply from Peter: Speak Out, Petro Canada, and Rogers share the same network. Beyond that, you’d have to look at unlocking (and also make sure that the type of phone is compatible).
September 24th, 2010 at 4:01 am
Steve Hammond says:
Are there any landscape phones with qwerty keyboards which will work with a 7 Eleven Speakout data service? If so, are there any instructions anywhere for configuring it for the SO data service?
Reply from Peter: You can use any Rogers-compatible phone with a Speak Out SIM card. For configuration instructions, search or ask at http://www.speakoutwireless.ca/speak